Monthly Archives: October 2012

Liar Activity

  1. All were easy to place except: Santa, the racist uncle, and haircuts
  2. The other groups had almost the same order for the ranking of the lies
  3. plastic surgery, Santa, and some others
  4. have done 22 of these lies
  5. deception is incredibly common
  6. a lie is the intentional decept of a person to change the views on the event. I would not classify the magic trick as a lie, because the rabbit was in the hat and pulled out of it.
  7. under some circumstances it is acceptable to lie, eg: if it will get a person out of mild trouble. The truth does not have to be told at any cost.


Belief Vs. Knowledge

1. Do you think we should respect the beliefs of a racist or sexist person?

People should respect the beliefs of others even if they are totally wrong. This is Simply a part of being a respectable human. A person can have a debate over their beliefs, but they must respect others and what they believe. This is only because we must be respectful to others.

2. Find some examples of beliefs (modern or throughout History) that you think are both misguided and dangerous.

  • the holocaust never happened
  • the moon landing was a hoax
  • there are witches, therefore we should burn her